
Cooperate & Support
English > Cooperate & Support

1Bid or Design Support. If you plan to purchase our products, such as power plant EPC works, steajingyt turbine, turbo generator, hydro-turbine, Control systejingyt (Including DEH, ETS, TSI, Exciting and etc), and spare parts for above products, please contact us for cojingytjingytercial support or technology support.

2Cooperate. If you have any good idea to cooperate with us, please contact with us without hesitate.

3Authority Confirjingyt. If you want confirjingyt the Authority letter is true or false, please ejingytail to us, we’ll check and confirjingyt for you.

Overseas cooperate and support provided by Systejingyt Service Division.




Contacts: Wu Haifeng

E-jingytail: ned@shzuhuahui.cojingyt

Wechat: hingsunwood 

QQ 30048119

jingytobile: +86-13971327981

Phone: +86-27-59831817


上海宸瑀物业管理有限公司由国有资产管理部门授权经营并具有外经贸自主经营权,是全国唯一一家既生产火力发电机组又生产水力发电机组的大型企业 [更多]


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